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Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Once again ESPN

I  have never seen such an all out assault on one athelete like I have witnessed these last two weeks.. ESPN you guys are sports reporters!! Yet you have made it your duty to do everything in your power to make Americs despise this man Lebron James. I have watched ESPN since it started and have never witnessed this. I am so appauled, and digusted but there is not a thing I can do. It is worse than disapointment. I was a fan.

Friday, June 10, 2011


I don't get you guyz!! The Mav's are kickin butt, they swept the Lakers and all you do is talk about LeBron !! Come on!!=( Jim Rome ={ give me me a break his 4 things he's burning on have nothing to do with anything but ---You know who" I thought you guyz were payed for your unbiassed knowledge of sports!! I'm sorry but ever since these finals started you guys are Busch league at best. I wish there was another sports station but wait, thats what there talkin about too Geeez

Friday, June 3, 2011


OK I'll admitt this isnt a blog but I read this the other day and " What a great bit of history"
New York farmer turned Baptist minister William Miller (1782-1849) was by all accounts a good and decent man who had a remarkable power to persuade people to his ideas. This turned out to be to his great detriment, however, when, after undertaking an exhaustive self-study of the Old Testament—especially the book of Daniel—he came to the conclusion that Jesus Christ would return to Earth in all His glory on October 22nd, 1844. How he arrived at that precise date is the result of a fairly complex series of calculations, but suffice is to say that by 1840 his powers of persuasion were sufficient to induce upwards of 50,000 (with some estimates being as high as 500,000!) of his fellow New Englanders to buy off on his teachings. When the day came and went without Christ’s return, however, the disappointment was, to put it mildly, more than a little palpable. Almost overnight his burgeoning church folded, leaving him a man without a congregation (or, at least, a much smaller one.) Undeterred, Miller recalculated and, finding a simple math error, decided he had been off by one year and named 1845 as “the year”. After Christ stubbornly refused to return that time either, Miller largely gave up and lived out the final years of his life a virtual recluse, devastated by his great disappointment but never for a moment giving up on his belief that the Second Coming was “imminent”. Not to worry, however, for a small remnant of his church survived him to become the foundation for the fairly substantial Seventh Adventist Church today which, while no longer setting dates, still maintains a strong end-times mentality

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Just more mind buttering stuff

OK where to start ummm, Well I've been away it is now June 1st and Fema is running out of funds to help the tornado victems and the flood victems yet we just gave Jordan and 2 other muslim countries (9) BILLION dollars PUKE, Obama had to get put down on tv in front of everyone by Israeli's PM99He actually brought up Israel going back to pre 67 borders ..OK and while we are at it let put America back to pre 1776 borders!!!Our prez is a putzzzzI used to whatch FOX new because the others were so bias now I cant whatch any cause FOX is sooooo Hypocritical I wanna puke, Oh where do we as the American public get our facts from???
Thats all gor now...