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Friday, April 23, 2010

DR' Kavorkian

So what do we do ????
all i know is that I would much rather have it on my terms.
This whole thing with ARIZONA with the profiling is all about ballls
 if you are a "rights of the human being,
"come live in ARIZONA then we will talk. i'm niether racist nor non racisist
Loook weve got "KIDNAPPING, DRUGWARS, MURDERS I Imagene most cities havr thesse the thing is WE KNOHOWTOSTOP IT its time to get back to the old days (redneck way)
what a shame these people who will not give meds to kid, "HE DIED"
He didnot have to

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

No more sodium!!!

did you see this morning that(Michelle Obama_ great Idea to make us all skinny like her"puke"
Well there Idea is to slowlytake all sodium of the shelves.
Now correct me if I'm wrong but the will not take salt shakers off the talbes that would put Americans out of work, so If I want salt i will put it on my food PERIOD
Also they say that school lunches are making kids fat"I beg to differ" the lunched they gave us in school were gresy porch sanwiches served in a dirty ashtray!!!!
I think its lazy parents and kids not playing outside enough

OK enough out of me

Friday, April 16, 2010

This afternoon

Ok now that I've been channel surfing for awhile.
Did you know that the Government spent a few million on teaching Chinese prostitutes how to handle there Liquor!
There's a new NCAA football rule on taunting ( If a player so much as high steps into the Endzone) The touchdown is taken away!!!! Can you imagine the national championship being decided by a penalty.(you cant take points away for a penalty. Therefore it just proves that the NCAA is the most unfair sports CEO in the world. These kids are playing for free, because they love the sport!!
Did you know that in any given "crisis"
10% respond wrong
80% wait for help and 10% take the lead..
Now for my political correctness issues!--!--!
Most people know that football players where this stuff called"eye black" under there eyes it is to stop the glare from the sun and stadium lights. Well lots of players write stuff on there like area codes and little sayings. Tim Tebow put certain scriptures on his eye black well now the"NCAA" has banned it. I wonder if the scriptures offended people who are scared to death of  anything religious
Take for instance a certain sportswriter whom I thought was a rational man.
And I Quote
"When I'm watching football I dont need to be preached at by a left handed Quarterback"
I'm so tired of worrying if some agnostic will be offended if I speak of GOD.
It offends me!!

Where to start??

Well I always wanted 15 minutes to tell the world what I dont get, right now-blank, but there will be more someday LoL